Lumbini Attractions – UNESCO World Heritage Site in Nepal

Lumbini, the birth place of Lord Buddha and one of the most popular pilgrimage sites for Buddhists around the world, is situated in Rupandehi District in Nepal.  This is one of many UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Nepal.


Attractions in Lumbini

Buddha was born in 623 BC as a prince.  It is believed that Maya Devi leaned on Bodhi tree while giving birth to Buddha, Siddhartha Gautam.

Emperor Asoka was believed to have further expanded Buddhism.


Maya Devi Temple

Maya Devi Temple is the most significant attraction in Lumbini. Maya Devi Temple marks the birth place of Buddha.  Maya Devi went on labour and gave birth to Buddha while taking rest under the shade of Bodhi tree.  Nearby pond is believed to be the pond where Maya Devi gave purification bath to baby Buddha.

Asoka Stambha (Asoka Pillar)

Emperor Asoka further expanded Buddhism.  Asoka visited Lumbini and build Asoka Pillar which is known as Asoka Stambha in Nepalese language along with four Stupas.  It is situated next to Maya Devi Temple and holds another significant attraction in Lumbini.

Crane Sanctuary

It is believed that Buddha was sad to see a dying crane which has inspired Buddha to look for meaning of life.  The Crane Sanctuary lies next to the World Peace Pagoda. You can see many cranes around.  This natural reserve has been kept as a safe area for cranes and local birds.

Pagodas and Bihars

There are many pagodas, monasteries and Bihars in Lumbini built by locals or by other countries.  You can hire a bicycle to look around.


World Peace Pagoda is huge pagoda, is bright white, looks attractive from far away. It was built by Japanese Buddhists as a symbol to unite humanity.  This World Peace Pagoda consists of Buddha’s gold statue which shows the position when he was born.

Mustang king Chogya Trichen Ringboche built this Gompa (Gumba) – Dharma Swami Maharaja Buddha Bihar (Ringboche Bihar). 60 monks conduct Tara Puja every day.

The Royal Thai Monastery is dazzling white marble and inspired by the Grand WATS of Thailand.

Sri Lanka Monastery is surrounded by water and consists of several levels.

Myanmar Golden Temple is inspired by Shwedagon Pagoda.

China Temple consists of prayer room and meditation cells.


Lumbini Museum

Lumbini Museum is attractive to ordinary people, tourists and historians wanting to know more about the life of Buddha. It also consists of artifacts and photos of Buddhist sites from around the world which gives you some knowledge about Buddhist traditions.

Eternal Peace Flame

Eternal Peace Flame is recommended visit in the morning or in the evening.  It is located at the middle of the entrance to Maya Devi Temple and the World Peace Pagoda.  You can see the Peace Pagoda across from this end with excellent water views.


There’s no special permit required apart from small entry fees to enter Lumbini heritage site, Lumbini Museum and Kapilbastu Museum.

Laws & Rules

Drinking alcohol, eating meat and smoking is not allowed within inner areas of Lumbini Heritage Site.  Please read the notice boards and check with your travel operator for dos and don’ts.

You have to abide by Nepal Government’s Laws during your visit to Nepal.


You can find accommodation from low budget accommodation to high budget luxurious hotels.


There’s small entry fee to enter Lumbini heritage site.  It is less than USD 3.00 to enter Lumbini and less than US$ 1.00 if you want visit Lumbini Museum.  Kapilbastu Museum entry fee is less than 25 US cents.

Please visit Nepal Government official site for more information on entry fees as it is different for people from SAARC Country visitors and visitors from other countries.

Normally these entry fees are included in your package. Check with your tour agent if the fees are included or not.

Hotel costs may range from US$ 10-15 a night to US$ 150-200.


Lumbini is comparatively humid throughout the year.  Mid-October to Mid-February is winter.  The average daytime temperature is 18 Degree Celsius to 33 Degree Celsius during this time and minimum can be about 8 to 10 Degree Celsius.  This is the popular season to visit Lumbini.  April May and June temperature could rise above 40 degree Celsius.  You can expect low to mid 30s during July, August and September.

Heavy rain falls expected during June and July.


What to wear

Dress for comfort.  Warm or summer clothes depending upon your travel season.



Local:  Public bus, hired cars (normally comes with driver), normally tour operators organise their vehicles from Kathmandu or Indian border.  You can enjoy Rickshaw ride if you want to.

From Kathmandu: Air Plane, Public Bus, Tourist Bus, hired Car, tour organiser’s vehicles



Road distance is 290 kilometres from Kathmandu.


Travel Time

It takes about 8-10 hours from Kathmandu to Lumbini in public transport (bus).  It takes less hours if you travel by cars.  Your tour organiser normally organises a van or a car from Kathmandu to Lumbini.

Flight time from Kathmandu to Bhairahawa is about 30 minutes.  You have to catch road transport from Bhairahawa airport.  Taxis cost NRs 1000 from Bhairahawa airport to Lumbini and takes about 30/40 minutes.

Article Name
Lumbini, the birth place of Lord Buddha and one of the most popular pilgrimage sites for Buddhists around the world, is situated in Rupandehi District in Nepal.  This is one of many UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Nepal.
Publisher Name
Himalaya Tops
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