What to buy in Nepal

Popular things you can buy in Nepal

Nepal is popular for handmade goods.  You can buy some specific Nepalese products and decorate your house or your living room or wear the clothing.  Pashmina (also known as Cashmere) shawls, eco-friendly handmade shoes, woollen hats, thankas, paintings, jewelleries, metal souvenirs, puppet dolls & masks and Khukuris, statues are to name a few.


Pashmina, also known as Cashmere, is made from the wool of Himalayan Chyangra goat (Capra Hircus).  It is considered as warm, soft, delicate and fluffy.  Nepal is popular for high quality Pashmina products.  Shawls, scarves and sweaters are most popular Nepalese Pashmina products and available in different colours, designs, thickness and shapes.

Stone and Bead Jewellery

Nepal is a well-known for stone and bead jewellery – bracelets, ear-ring, necklace, ring, Rudrakshya, bangles and many other items. These items are popular among tourists as well as Nepalese. Rudrakshya is the most famous among all. You can get these in many shops in Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Patan, Pokhara and all other tourist areas.


Nepal has specialised in handicrafts from many centuries.  The knowledge and skills have been passed through many generations.

Kathmandu, Patan and Bhaktapur Durbar square are the living examples of medieval age era of handicrafts.  You can find small to large handicrafts all around tourist hubs in Nepal weather you are in Pokhara or in Namche.  Statues are the most popular handicrafts.

Hemp, Bamboo and Dhaka clothing and Bags

Nepal is also famous these days for hemp and bamboo products.  You can buy variety of products made from hemp and bamboo. The most popular Nepali clothing brand is “Station” which is exported to few countries.  They can provide with certificate of materials used if you ask for so Station brand is very much reliable.  You can find their products in few shops in Kathmandu, as well as, in Duty Free Shop in Kathmandu airport and in some European countries.

Another popular product is eco-friendly Paila Shoes.  Paila shoes are handmade from recycled rubber and Dhaka fabric.  Paila shoes are popular among Europeans, Americans and Australians.

Puppet dolls and masks

Kathmandu valley is popular for puppet dolls and masks. Bhaktapur is the most popular among Kathmandu valley tourist hubs.


Thangkas are the traditional Buddhist culture paintings which are made in Nepal. The more details in the drawings, the more expensive the Thankas are. It also depends on how much gold used in Thanka or how old it is. Thankas are found in different sizes.


Khukuri is used in many purposes.  You can decorate it use to cut meat. Every household in Nepal would have at least 1 Khukuri.  It is a national weapon.  Khukuri was used in many battles and the most popular battles where between Nepal and British Company and used by British Gurkha in Falkland war in Argentina.

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