Momo – The most ordered food in Nepalese restaurants

Momo is the most ordered food in Nepalese restaurants.

Eat it as an entrée or mains. Momo is widely popular in Nepal as well as with Nepalese living overseas.  This is the most ordered food in Nepalese restaurants.  It is like dumpling filled with mixed meat & vegetables.  Momo is steamed and normally eaten with Golbheda Ko Achaar (Tomato Pickle).  Momo can also be fried or steamed and pan fried.

Buff Momo (Buffalo meat Momo) is popular in Newar community Kathmandu but chicken Momo is more popular in wider Nepalese.  You can make Momo with goat, pork, lamb, buff, mixed pork & chicken and vegetable.


For Momo

  • 500g chicken mince (or any other meat mince)
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • ½ bunch coriander, finely chopped
  • 2 table spoon of fresh minced ginger
  • 2 table spoon of minced garlic
  • 1 table spoon of ground cumin
  • 2 table spoon of vegetable oil
  • 1 or 2 spoon of salt to your taste
  • 2 packs of round wonton wrappers (normally 30 in each)

For Golbheda Ko Achaar

  • 500 gripe tomatoes
  • 1 table spoon of mustard oil
  • 2 table spoon of chopped garlic
  • 2 table spoon of minced ginger
  • 3-4 table spoon of roasted Sesame seed powder
  • 1 or 2 green chillies, chopped to your taste
  • ½ bunch of coriander, chopped
  • ½ table spoon of ground Szechwan pepper (Timmur)

Momo preparation

Place all above Momo ingredients in a large bowl and mix well. Cover and set aside for 10 to 15 minutes to develop flavour.

For the Golbheda Ko Achaar (tomato pickle), pour mustard oil into a small saucepan and place over medium heat. When the oil is hot, add garlic and ginger, fry for a 30 seconds or until it starts to turn light gold. Add Szechwan pepper ground, chillies, and stir for about 15 more seconds. Add chopped tomatoes and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally until it thickens. Set aside to cool, then mix sesame seed powder, ½ bunches of chopped coriander and blend until smooth.

Shaping Momo is fun. There are no set rules on how to make Momo. You can make it round Momo or half-moon shaped Momo. Put a tea spoon full mixed mince at the centre of wrapper and give it to the shape you want. Make sure the mince is sealed properly. Dampen edges of the wrap with dipping your finger in the water and spreading it across the edges with your wet finger.  This makes it easier to seal Momo wraps.  It is advisable to microwave the whole pack of Momo wraps for 10 seconds if straight out of refrigerator.

Place a steamer with water in the base over high heat. Make sure the water doesn’t touch the steam tray when it’s fully boiled. Place Momo on the steam trays and leave some gap around. Steam for 12 minutes for the first lot then 10 minutes for next lots, or until Momo wraps are tender.  Serve immediately with tomato pickle. It is best to eat when it’s still warm enough.

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